Saturday, August 31, 2019

Black, White, and Color

Who am I? That is the hardest question to answer for a college freshman. In a sense my life has just begun. I am finally on my own trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. Does anyone find out who they are as a person at the age of eighteen? This is the age where a major transition is made from teen to a legal adult. I am going from being a child to being on my own making my own decisions. When I look at myself I see so many different things, some are things I learned in the past and I carry with me and others are things I hope to achieve or become. In Core 110 this year I learned that I could connect myself into what we were learning through studying psychology and science. At the beginning of the year I didn’t understand why we were learning psychology and science together but now I understand they go together. Without science there would be no psychological evidence and without psychology scientist would not be able to test certain theories. Because of Core 110 I can look deeper into myself by the insight I gained by studying psychology and science. In the book Forty Studies That Changed Psychology, by Roger Hock, he discusses Julian Rotter’s Locus of control theory of how individuals place the responsibility for what happens to them. Rotter explains that there are two types of people: internal locus of control and external locus of control (Hock 192). â€Å"When people interpret the consequences of their behavior to be controlled by luck, fate, or powerful others, this indicates a belief in what Rotter called an external locus of control. Conversely, he maintained that if people interpret their own choices and personality as responsible for their behavioral consequences, they believe in internal locus of control† (Hock 192). This is basically saying do you believe that your destiny is controlled by yourself or by external forces? Rotter believed that if a person’s likelihood to view events from an internal, versus an external, locus of control is fundamental to who we are and can be explained from a social learning theory perspective (Hock 192). In his view, as a person develops from infancy through childhood, behaviors in a given situation are learned because they are followed by some form or reward, or reinforcement† (192 Hock). From the rewards and reinforcements you learn from as a child follow you throughout life and make you develop an external or internal interpretation of the consequences of your behavior. Rotter wanted to demonstrate two points; first, make a test to measure how individuals posses an internal or an external locus of control orientation towards life. Second, is to show how internals and externals display differences in their interpretations of the causes of reinforcements in the same situations (Hock 193). Rotter came up with a test called the I-E Scale, which measured the extent to which a person possesses the personality characteristics of internal or external locus of control. He did this by asking certain questions that internal people would only answer a certain way and vice versa for the external people (Hock 193). In Rotter’s theory of locus of control I believe I have an internal locus of control because I control my own fate and destiny. My parent were very strict and always made sure I knew from right and wrong or else I would be punished. I grew up realizing I wouldn’t win the lottery and I had to work hard to become successful. My locus of control is very grounded and I don’t believe in luck. My portrait shows me on the playground looking towards the city in the background. It shows my goals and what I want to achieve but I am still in black and white; I’m not there yet. Being at college has only given me a taste of what it means to be an adult and be independent. I will one day achieve all my goals, but until then I’m still a kid stuck on the playground until one day I can reach the exciting city life. Another example from Roger Hock’s book is the study done by Langer and Rodin who look at the effects of choice and how it affects people. Everyday a person makes a choice or decision, â€Å"When your sense of control is threatened, you experience negative feelings (anger, outrage, indignation) and will rebel by behaving in ways that will restore your perception of personal freedom† (Hock 150). It’s like what kids do when they are told to do something or forbidden to do something, they either refuse to do it or do the exact opposite. Hock states, â€Å"What it all boils down to is that we are happier and more effective people when we have the power to choose† (Hock 151). This is a problem for both teens and elderly people, the only exception is that elderly people lose their rights where teens just aren’t old enough to get them yet. Elderly people lose their rights and control when they enter a nursing home. Langer and Rodin thought, â€Å"If the loss of personal responsibility for one’s life causes a person to be less happy and healthy, then increasing control and power should have the opposite effect† (Hock 151). They wanted to test this by directly enhancing personal power and choice for a group of nursing home residents. They predicted that the patients who were given the control should demonstrate improvements in mental alertness, activity level, satisfaction with life, and other positive measures of behavior and attitude (Hock 153). Langer and Rodin compared two floors of a nursing home, one given privileges the other stayed the same. The floors were given questionnaires about how they were treated by the end of the three weeks. The results showed (on chart 20-1 on page 154) that the differences in the two groups were extreme, which proved Langer and Rodin’s theory correct about the positive effects of choice and personal power (Hock 153). Langer and Rodin pointed out that their study, combined with other previous research, demonstrated that peoples’ lives improve when they are given a greater sense of personal responsibility (Hock 153). Being in control is a big thing for everyone. When I turned eighteen last year nothing changed for me except I was one year older and I could vote. My parents still treated me the same and I still had the same curfew. In their eye I was still a child. However, everything changed when I went to college. I became in control of almost everything except I still had to go to school. Being in control is such a powerful thing. I couldn’t imagine losing all my control like the elderly do. When I went home for Thanksgiving I lost most of my control to my parents and it upset me. I felt like the elderly people. My picture shows a divided line between black and white side and the color side showing I can’t get to what I want to be until I completely grow up and my parents treat me like a true adult. I’m stuck on the dark side wanting control, wanting color. In the book Accidental Mind, by David J. Linden, he discusses how perception is tied to emotion. Linden states, â€Å"Clearly, the perception/emotion distinction cuts deep into the way we think about the brain and the ways we deal with its dysfunctions† (Linden 98). He is basically saying that the time we realize or are aware of a sensation, emotions are already engaged. Two examples are Capgras Syndrome and people who have been blinded by damage to the primary visual cortex. Capgras syndrome is when someone can still visually identify objects and human faces, but they don’t evoke any emotional feeling. People who are blinded by damage to the primary visual cortex can accurately locate an object in their visual field even though they have no conscious awareness of seeing anything (Linden 99). The important point here is that visual information is rapidly fed into emotional centers in the brain, which make it impossible to separate emotion from perception in experience† (Linden 100). Linden concludes that the examples may only use vision, the principle still applies broadly to all of the sense, â€Å"emotions is integral to sensation and the two are not easily separated† (Linden 100). In my self-portrait everything is pastel t o show that where I am in my life is distorted yet connected and flows. I’m transitioning from being a teen to almost an adult. I see and experience things that are fair and also unfair. The color is so close to me yet I still have to wait for it. I am stuck on the playground trying to amuse myself until I am allowed to enter the real world. The playground and city are tied together because I will one day play on both. Another example from Linden’s book is the study on identical twins. Linden states that in certain cases some mental and behavioral traits come from genes. In the experiment they used identical twins (monozygotic twins) who were separated after birth and raised by different families and monozygotic twins who were raised together to compare with (Linden 53). â€Å"For example, identical twins given psychological tests to pin-point personality traits, such as extroversion or conscientiousness or openness, showed that identical twins have tended to share many of these traits whether or not the twins were raised together† (Linden 53). The point was to see if twins in the same environment and twins in separate environments were tested on being similar. Lindens conclusion was that, â€Å"in children and young adults from middle class or affluent families, in studies that have used a combination of twins, identical and nonidentical, raised together and apart, about 50 percent of â€Å"general intelligence† can attribute to genes, with the remainder determined by environmental factors† (Linden 54). Basically, genes influence general intelligence but to a lesser degree than they influence personality (Linden 54). When dealing with general intelligence, â€Å"both genes and environment contribute, but in the extreme case of environment deprivation seen in the poorest household, the effects of environment become much greater and largely overcome the effects of genes† (Linden 54). In the end the tests concluded that, â€Å"identical twins raised apart are significantly more alike in measures of personality than nonidentical twins raised apart† (Linden 54). This can conclude that there is some contribution due to genes. The main point of the twin experiment was to show that twins who grew up in separate environments were surprisingly more similar then expected. No matter what environment I am in I am still the same person. I can be on the playground playing or in the city working but no matter what I am still me. I grew up on the playground and learned many lessons that I will carry with me when I leave there. No matter how old I become or how aged I become I will still have the same personality and drive to achieve all my goals and dreams. Anything can happen if I set my mind to it and be patient. Eventually I’ll be in color like Mickey Mouse. My self-portrait shows the growth a person going from a child to a young adult. In humanity it is normal for a child to continually get frustrated about their age. A twelve-year-old is almost a teen, eighteen-year-old is a legal adult but not a true adult, and a twenty-year-old is so close to being twenty-one. Being a teen at any age is rough but every year is a year closer to something different. I may be stuck as a legal adult thriving to be ndependent from my parents but in reality I’m not even close to being able to be on my own. I’m stuck, like most of the other eighteen-year-olds in the world, trying to figure out who they are. I am just one of millions who feel this way, yet in reality what would I even do with all my independence and freedom? I am a freshman in college who really doesn’t know what I want to do with my life. I wont know until I figure out who I am as a person. This is why my self-portrait is in transition because before I can do anything with my life I have to answer the question: who am I?

Friday, August 30, 2019

Home School vs. Public Eduaction Essay

Do home schooled children receive proper education? Will my child learn as much at home as he/she would in a public education system? Can we afford to get nine years into our child’s education to look into other options? Many parents find themselves asking these questions when it comes to the best learning environment for their child. There are several aspects you should consider when choosing between public education and home schooling your child. The three main things to take into consideration are the environment and costs, the academic/curriculum outline, and the social benefactors of each educational program. Public school is offered to all children free of charge, funded by taxation to help ensure that society is educated. Public education takes place in a school house setting. Teachers educate around 25 students per classroom. Parents are responsible for purchasing school supplies and materials such as pencils, paper, folders, crayons, tissue, etc. Public education offers your child free transportation on the school bus, as well as breakfast and lunch provided by the government. Homeschooling was made legal in 1993. Home school is the education of children at home. The â€Å"teachers† are in most cases the child’s parents. Children who home school learn in the comfort of their own home, generally around other siblings who are being home-schooled. In most cases, the home â€Å"classroom† environment has less distractions than public school. Parents are responsible for all educational expenses such as materials, teaching seminars, teacher study/answer guides, meals, e tc. Home-school can get expensive. Darla Jones, a mother who home-schools her children, says â€Å"Our cost for curriculum alone is $1,200.00 per child per year, but of course that is the Abeka DVD program. It is expensive. Then you add in breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home†¦no free or reduced meals.† Academic outline and core curriculum are important when choosing which education program is best for your child. Public school is divided into three levels for success; elementary school, middle school, and high school. Public school involves testing and standards by the government and they base their core curriculum on the standardized tests. The core curriculum for  public school students focus on reading, writing, and mathematics, with elective options such as art, music, etc. â€Å"There are some good and bad to both public education and home school. It all depends on the parents/children. Some children need homeschooling because with the â€Å"No Child Left Behind† act, they may fall through the cracks in the public school system, and whether they learn or not, some will be moved up in grades. Some public schools have so many children that they cannot give enough attention to every student. I don’t believe you learn only about the real world through homeschoolin g. If parents are doing their job and teaching their kids instead of leaving it all up to the teachers, children would be well rounded whether home-schooled or in public school.†, says public preschool teacher, Heather Coffee. The curriculum for home-school is generally designed by the child’s parent, with several subjects to choose from. Home-school mother, Angie Shelton states, â€Å"A parent can be resourceful and creative to keep costs to a minimum, especially if they reuse books from friends or family. There is no help with curriculum from the public school. Home-schoolers are not restricted by what they can or cannot teach, and there is a wide variety of curriculum for home-schoolers to choose from.† Parents can teach the same curriculum subjects as public school, along with an array of subjects like logical reasoning, geography, agriculture, art appreciation, Spanish, consumer math, keyboarding, family sciences, speech, and music appreciation. A concern that many parents share is the social benefactors of both, public and home school. Public school enables your child to learn in a classroom with other children from the neighborhood/city. Your child will gain social skills and communication skills by interacting with teachers and other students. Students who attend public school are offered after school programs like basketball, football, soccer, baseball, and track; and clubs like FFA, FCLA, FCA, FHA, and FBLA. Children are exposed to bullying, assault, theft, and violence when enrolled in public schools. Some argue that children in home-school lack in social skills. However, research shows that being home-schooled do not affect the child’s socialization skills, or lack thereof. Home-schooled children have several activities that they can participate in such as church, youth group, community activities, and any  child who is enrolled in home-school is allowed to play on any athletic sports team in the public schoo l. They also interact with their siblings while at home. All of these activities enable the child to build socialization skills. Other benefits to home-school education is that it gives the family the opportunity to build a strong family bond, there are less safety issues, and your child is not exposed to the influences of their peers, as they are in public school. Home-school graduate, Nick Shelton says, â€Å"I was home-schooled most of my life. I went to public school in the 9th grade and I had to re-learn everything. Even though I passed with A’s and B’s, I feel like public school was a joke. I have as much as or more social skills and life skills of any public school student. Many public school students (not all) my age are so far behind in life skills that they act as if they are still in high school.† In my opinion, there is not a significant difference in the child’s ability to gain social skills and confidence in either learning environment. Based upon the research I have done and the interviews that I have conducted, I believe that both public and home-school are exceptional educational environments for a child. However, I believe home-school benefits your child’s education more than public education. I believe parents should have the right to chose which option is best for their child. There is a lot of controversy on this topic, as everyone has their own opinion and each child has their own educational needs. Before enrolling your child in an educational program, take a moment to examine each programs environment and costs, the academic outline, and how much your child will benefit in each environment.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cardiovascular system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cardiovascular system - Essay Example Demonstrate the adaptability of the cardiovascular system to autoregulate to two different, stressful conditions (1. Max test 2. Steady state exercise at 65% maximum oxygen level). Explain in detail how the different cardiovascular components such as heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total pulmonary resistance, stroke volume and blood flow, respond to these stressful conditions. Explain in detail the physiological mechanisms responsible for the changes observed.The cardiovascular system has the capabilities to adapt to a number of external factors. An example of the cardiovascular system’s ability to adapt is seen in response to a max test. This test measures the volume of oxygen in the blood that the body uses in one minute of maximal exercise. A stationary exercise machine is used when administering the test. The first-minute interval is done at a very easy level. As each minute passes the levels become increasingly more difficult until you reach a levels when you can no longer continue. The max test requires you to wear a mask and to breathe through your mouth. The mask is connected to an analyzer that looks at the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the exhaled gas. You are also hooked up to a heart monitor. Using the information gathered you could figure out your cardiovascular fitness and define your maximum aerobic power.The max test causes an increase in heart rate, because there is an increased need by your muscles for oxygenated blood ... stroke volume in this case would decrease due to the fact that the peripheral vessels, which have higher pressures, increases. The increased heart rate causes the ventricles to not fill as full, thus lowering the volume pumped out of the ventricles by each contraction. The final stage of the max test is anaerobic. This stage looks at how quickly the body can remove the lactic acid. The increased heart rate helps in the removal of lactic acid. If you have crossed this threshold you will be prematurely fatigued and may feel your muscles burn. Toga et al. states that "during hypoxia, the total" pulmonary "resistance decreased with increased blood flow" (Effects of hypoxia, 1998, 1003). Steady state exercise is different from the max text, because it does not increase in intervals. In the steady state test you also have the increase in systolic blood pressure, but there is no dramatic increase in diastolic blood pressure. When steady state exercise has been done over time the effects are a minimal change in blood pressure and a higher red blood cell count (blood is more easily saturated with oxygen). Once finished with steady state exercise the systolic blood pressure will drop to below normal levels for a brief period of time. Steady state exercise, when done on a regular basis, will decrease heart rate. A decrease in heart rate will allow the ventricles more time to fill. . Stroke volume is the volume of blood in the ventricles during diastole minus the volume of blood in the ventricles during systole of the same heartbeat. If the heart rate is slower it allows for more filling of the ventricles hence a larger stroke volume. There are other factors that also contribute to these different cardiovascular components. Khaksari et al.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Etruscan - Byzantine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Etruscan - Byzantine - Essay Example It is also characterized by neighboring columns, superimposed and engaged, serves as an embellishment to the structure. Roman style is also characterized by an elevated high base steps rising to a deep portico which was a strong influence of the Etruscan style of architecture. Hagia Sophia, which is located in Istanbul formerly Constantinople, on the other hand, is one of the best examples of the Byzantine architecture. Although there are a lot of existing styles that concentrated on a religious theme, Byzantine architecture’s strong feature is that the structures built during this time were meant to glorify the church. This style is set apart by great domes, smaller domes and half domes supported with pedentive, huge columns, round arches and abundant use of color, decorative and glass mosaics. Both architectural styles have a distinct characteristic that distinguish it from others. Pantheon has a top heavy appearance and an imposingly large entrance like most temples in this era. Hagia Sophia, however, is somewhat inviting. Although Byzantine also uses columns in their architectural design, the Roman style has more columns that somewhat overlaps each other just by looking at it. Both structures made use of domes, the difference however was that Pantheon has only one while Hagia Sophia has several. Initially, Pantheon was believed to be created as a temple for the gods.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The July plotters of 1944 were not courageous men whose purpose was Essay

The July plotters of 1944 were not courageous men whose purpose was honourable but reckless men who acted out of their own self interest How valid is this assessment of the July Plot of 1944 - Essay Example storted political circumstances of the country in Germany wiped out the war situation and Hitler’s public interaction has reduced in monthly visit in Berlin. The leaders of the conspiracy included Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, General Ludwig Beck, Lieutenant Colonel Claus, and Count Schenk von Stauffenberg, The conspirators like Himmler and Stauffenberg were suspicious and they had their own personal intentions than the unified goal. Stauffenberg took the responsibility to carry out the assassination attempt. During the time of German Campaign against Soviet Union, Stauffenberg became frustrated with Hitler’s misrule. Beginning of his career Stauffenberg has revealed his loyalty and responsibility to Hitler and to Nazi Germany. But towards the end of 1930s, like others Stauffenberg began to think that Hitler’s misrule pull the nation in to the disaster. Stauffenberg’s plan was to plant a briefcase with the bomb in Hitler’s conference room. Stauffenber g’s words reveal his will power and intention. The article remarks;† In August 1942, he told a friend: â€Å"They are shooting Jews in masses. These crimes must not be allowed to continue† (Peter, 2004 P. 2). After the unsuccessful attempt of July plot Stauffenberg was honored as a courageous warrior who made an unending fight against Hitler’s despotic rule. A dreadful reality is that the purpose of the conspirators has changed and it came to be observed by some of them as achieving the military honors themselves. Most of them have worked under Hitler’s administration in their past. Martin Collier, Philip Pedley state that; â€Å"In Berlin, the conspiracy was paralyzed by indecision and vacillation† (Martin Collier& Philip Pedley, 2005 p. 122) Field Marshal Witzleben was a soldier who participated in the event of July plot 1944. Witzleben and others were found guilty and sentenced to hang. His dreadful death proves that he was a courageous fighter. The following comment about the conspirators underlines

Monday, August 26, 2019

(DNRC) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

(DNRC) - Essay Example Risk assessment procedures comprise of identifying, assessment of the threat impact, and approval of measures to lessen the risk. Additionally, risk mitigation comprises of prioritizing, upholding, and executing the suitable risk-reducing controls endorsed by the risk assessment. Finally, evaluation and assessment puts emphasis on the frequent assessment process and the important factors for an effective risk management program. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to offer practical guidance on the security and public safety committee of the DNRC on assessing risks through examining these issues and detailing the opportunities and benefits available to the organizations that embrace and implement the risk assessments to their business processes. Therefore, the Security and Public Safety Subcommittee of DNRC was headed by the Samantha Salerno who is in the United States secret service, and the sub-ordinates were Felicia Fontaine, ASAC FBI Miami, Melanie Duncan, Director Miami-Dade Police Department, Gregory Jameson, SAC ATF Miami, Robert Waters, Director Miami-Dade Fire-Rescue Department, Jean-Louis Joseph, Chief Miami Police Department, and Geoff Goldman, Chief, Miami Beach Police Department (DRNC). The aim of this committee is to ensure that it looks at the culture of the organization, the stakeholders, and the levels of vulnerability and risks of the seven critical infrastructure assets to come up with an effective risk management program. This is because the analysis will be used to manage the risks of DNRC’s critical infrastructure assets effectively and go a long way in assisting them to find out how the allocated resources will be used in the best way possible leading up to the present and future events. The co mmunication, external and internal environment, culture and the overall risks of the critical infrastructure

Sunday, August 25, 2019

There are many popularly suggested business objectives, while Essay

There are many popularly suggested business objectives, while academically the objective to maximise shareholder wealth is considered superior. Discuss. (In y - Essay Example Despite these claims, research suggests that maximizing shareholder wealth is considered superior to all objectives. Wal-Mart claims to hold down inflation in the US (Fishman, 2003), create jobs, and has customer-centered strategy as their prices are unbeatable, but they ultimately squeeze the vendors and under-pay the staff (Heyer, 2005) with the ultimate goal of maximizing shareholder wealth. They even have an efficient supply chain and source their products from developing countries and claim to be a part of their growth. Nevertheless, employee wages at Wal-Mart are as much as 31% lower than competitors (Nester, 2006). It pays practically no benefits and very often employees have to work overtime without any additional compensation. Wal-Mart ranked fourth in terms of social responsibility in terms of its dealings with its stakeholders but there were 4851 claims filed against it in the court (Papasolomou-Doukakis, Krambia-Kapardis & Katsioloudes, 2005). Corporate giants like the CEO of Coca-Cola too make tall claims that by being more efficient and more profitable, it makes businesses better for the community (Ash, 2004) but findings reveal otherwise. They have committed as many as 179 major Human Rights violations (Cairns, 2005). The union leader was shot dead at the Columbia bottling plant. Turkish and Indonesian workers face mass firings for their union activity. Multination Monitor, an American non–profit organization, listed coke amongst the worst ten companies in US. In India they are diverting potable water from local residents for the production of soft drinks. During the processing of soda pop in India, Coke has contaminated soil and underground water with toxic cadmium, which was found in the sludge. They have also been charged and found guilty of bribing the Pollution Control Board in South India. They are accused of inflating profits, selling contaminated beverages and violating contracts. Under the garb of commu nity

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Public Policy & Government Regulation in Global Management Research Paper

Public Policy & Government Regulation in Global Management - Research Paper Example Energy is the heart of global warming. The production of electricity using fossil fuel is one of the prime reasons for the increase in global temperature. Global warming is likely to lead to a fall in demand for the hitting energy and increase the demand for cooling energy. The production of energy is likely to be halted by the increasing temperatures and a shortage of water supply. Energy production and distribution systems may get exposed to the rise in sea levels. Climate changes can affect some renewable energy resources in the nation.  Sea Level rise, as well as storms, would increase the risk of major impacts. Flooding resulting from the increasing downpour would increase the risk of disruptions and delay in rail, air and road transportation. The rise in heat might limit transportation operation and lead too pavement and truck damage. Some corps show good responses to lofty carbon dioxide and low levels of warming. Extreme circumstances such as drought and downpour would redu ce crop yields. Also, diseases, pets, and insects get benefited from warming. Global warming has affected the factors that control the decomposition and growth. Vast amounts of the shift have been seen in the timing of animal migration. Deserts and dry-lands are likely to become a lot drier.  Global warming has an increased risk of deaths and illness due to the extreme heat. Global warming would make it more challenging for the health authorities to meet the air quality standards. Children and old are likely to be most vulnerable.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Cigna Corporation Internal and External Factors Evaluation Matrix Assignment

Cigna Corporation Internal and External Factors Evaluation Matrix - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Cigna Corporation (Cigna) has services organized under five main divisions, health care, disability, and life, international (CIGNA International) and Runoff Reinsurance. Having wide operations in the United States and beyond means, the company is a greater challenge to handle external factors than a local business. Similarly, the wider operations mean the company has a wide management structure and numerous employees. This also means the company has numerous internal factors that affect its operations in one way or the other. Similarly, the wider operations mean the company has a wide management structure and numerous employees. This also means the company has numerous internal factors that affect its operations in one way or the other. As is the case with every other business, Cigna Corporation (which will be referred as Cigna in this text) has a great interest in factors happening beyond it. These factors largely determine their chanc es of survival and most importantly inform the organization’s strategy. This is because external factors cannot be avoided or controlled. An organization can only adapt operations to maximize opportunities and adjust to any threats. In the case of Cigna, the following six factors have the greatest impact on their operations. The factors are considered from the wider grouping of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors. The most prominent political factor affecting Cigna at the moment is government regulations and policies. Since the election of President Obama, there has been continuous debate and eventual passage of the â€Å"Obama Care†. This is a health scheme which has sought to guarantee healthcare to all Americans. This is of great interest to health insurers who have been required to reconsider certain policy regulations. The most notable is a directive to have them ensure patients who have preexistent health conditions. From a business perspective, this government policy is likely to affect the profitability of Cigna as they will be required to make payments for conditions they would have avoided. Cigna is affected by almost every economic factor.