Tuesday, June 30, 2020

College Research Paper Example For American Students

College Research Paper Example Introducing Smartphone Applications to Education: Analysis of Pros and Cons Technology has evolved greatly in last few decades and has become an important part of our lives. In fact, the primary goal of revolution in technology is to help improve our quality of life at work, home, and anywhere else. Education is not an exception from this rule. In fact, technology has been integrated into the education processes throughout the years due to the fact it provides amazing tools that facilitate learning. Thanks to the internet, teachers, and professors have more resources to help children and students learn the lectures. On the other hand, students find it easier to keep up with school with many tools they can use to research, learn, and organize. With the rise of smartphones, we have the option to use applications (apps) for every aspect of our lives. Apps go beyond social media, it is possible to download a suitable application for everything. What about education? Would the introduction of apps into education have a positive or negative impact? Despite the fact all of us believe the impact would be positive or negative, the question is not easy to answer. We use our phones for everything today; to check emails, shop, book flights and hotels, pay bills, get food, and so much more. It is simple, anything one can do on the computer, he or she can also do on their smartphone. In this day and age, it is difficult to succeed at work and school without a smartphone primarily due to their convenience. Carrying laptops around can be a nuisance for people who are on the go, but smartphones fit perfectly into the pocket and offer same possibilities. Professors and teachers can benefit greatly from the introduction of mobile apps into education. For example, a number of scientists and experts in education explain that mobile technologies can create new opportunities for independent investigations, practical fieldwork, professional updating, and on the spot access to knowledge. At the same time, they provide the mechanism for enhanced individual guidance and learner support and more efficient course administration and management. Edusson can write your paper. Our core features: 100% Private 24/7 Support Timely delivery Order Now Still wondering how to ease your writing process? Stop suffer, just pay someone to write a research paper. Stuck on Your College Research Paper? Check out these example college research paper. Furthermore, benefits of apps in education also extend to helping students navigate across campuses and access event schedules, school directories, or to find their way around a university or college they attend. Smartphone apps make it easier for students to research the school’s library or to find useful study material in other facilities. When working on their assignments or essays, students are easily able to find sample research paper, reference information etc. thanks to apps. In addition, they can practice and develop their skills, access grades, and submit assignments with a simple tap on the screen. Apps can also serve as a platform that campus groups use to send mass messages to students in order to carry out polls and surveys. Getting anonymous and fast answers would help these groups improve the on-campus life. Connect with a professional writer in 5 simple steps. Start now Please provide as many details about your writingstruggle as possible. Next What's the area of study of your paper? English Business and Entrepreneurship Nursing History African-American Studies Accounting Anthropology Architecture Art, Theatre and Film Biology Business and Entrepreneurship Chemistry Communication Strategies Computer Science Criminology Economics Education English Engineering Environmental Issues Ethics Finance Geography Healthcare History International and Public Relations Law and Legal Issues Linguistics Literature Management Marketing Mathematics Music Nursing Nutrition Other Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Religion and Theology Sociology Sport Technology Tourism Next How many pages do you need? Next When is it due? 01 AM 02 AM 03 AM 04 AM 05 AM 06 AM 07 AM 08 AM 09 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 AM 01 PM 02 PM 03 PM 04 PM 05 PM 06 PM 07 PM 08 PM 09 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 PM Next What's your e-mail? Next Done! Indeed, smartphone apps can have numerous purposes including the opportunity for professors to send automatic emails to absent students, attendance reports, create group or class forums for better communication with their students. Instead of contacting students one by one for important notices or hanging them somewhere in the hall, professors could use an app and, thus, reach all students at once, without wasting their time. They can also help their students get better grades by including college research paper example onto the apps. Professor-student communication is largely overlooked, sometimes even ignored, today. Educators have the best impact on their students when they relate to them, make an effort to connect with them and form a strong relationship. Apps allow this interaction, which is yet another advantage of these platforms. Technology evolves constantly and it is important for the education system to adopt it in order to keep up with these changes. As a result, students can maximize their effort, use plenty of resources, improve writing skills with research paper template, develop their problem-solving skills, all of which prepares them for life after they graduate as well. Despite many benefits and pros of the introduction of smartphone apps to education, there are some cons or important obstacles we have to conquer. The biggest problem is in the way educators use apps. They try to fit these applications into centuries’ old, traditional versions of teaching. The clash of the modern tool with traditional method does not give positive results. In addition, it shows most of them are not fully open to the idea of introducing apps (or other internet-based tools) in education, which takes both them and students one step backward. The point of these tools is to be practical and convenient, but fitting them into traditional versions of teaching makes these apps utterly unusable. One thing that is worse than having no app is making it useless. Furthermore, longer writing assignments like  argumentative essays are not that easily completed through an application on tablet or smartphone and submission would require transferring the document from one devi ce (laptop or desktop) onto tablet or smartphone in order to upload it. At this point, it is difficult for professors to use hand-held devices to monitor and save data regarding students’ progress. Although we can name a multitude of pros and cons regarding the use of smartphone apps in education, one thing is certain – every educational institution and faculty staff should strive to use anything that can benefit the students. In order to help students nurture their intellect and evolve into well-educated adults capable of handling every obstacle that comes after the school, educators have to try different options to make it happen. It is well-known that students oftentimes lack motivation and feel overwhelmed when trying to keep up with their numerous obligations associated with college life. A great way to boost their motivation and inspire them is to implement their interests into education. Want them to do better and write more? Provide example of a research paper and bring this assignment closer to them. At this point, smartphones are an important part of their lives, they use all sorts of apps, and having these platforms in education would make a positive impact. E very educator wants students to do well and pass the exams with the best results and well-crafted apps would help them in test preparation. Some apps come with tests that students can use to test their knowledge, check results, and identify strengths and weaknesses. Of course, accomplishing these things would imply making apps more in tune with modern-day world and technology, rather than trying to fit them into traditional approaches. Education is not about teaching and learning, it is about training young minds to develop their skills, find their place in the world, improve the way they think, and help them realize they can achieve their goals and dreams with hard work, effort, and knowledge. That is why it is highly important to take education to where the students are, and right now, they are on their smartphones checking notifications, connecting with others, reading on their tablets. Giving them access to the lectures and classes via smartphone apps makes perfect sense. This is the modern age and apps are the new frontier. Apps can revolutionize the way students learn. It is up to educational institutions to embrace and welcome new, mobile technology and the era of smartphone-based learning. The world of mobile apps is where the students live in and it is logical to introduce them into classrooms across the country, or perhaps the entire world. In addition, these apps could help students save money on materia ls and tools that do not come cheap, but they are important for the subject. Students’ debts keep increasing and it is not helpful to constantly require them to purchase something in order to prepare for their exams. With apps, they could get access to expensive scientific calculators or books without spending an outrageous amount of money, thus taking the pressure off of their money troubles to some extent.

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