Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A True History of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson Essay

The Theme of "A True History of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson" by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson In the times of colonies when land was untouched there was a distinct hatred between the native Indians and the new colonists. As one reads the essay: A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, written by Mary Rowlandson in 1682, one will understand this hatred. Although the Indians captured Mary Rowlandson, with the faith of God she was safely returned. The reader learns of her religious messages and how she turns to God for safety and strong will. One sees how her Puritan beliefs are of the strong New England Puritans way of life. The reader also understands through her words how she views the Indians and their way of life. Rowlandson's theme is very simple; the capture and return of herself by the Indians. It was a strange and amazing dispensation that the Lord should so afflict his precious servant, and Handmaid (Rowlandson p. 22). She struggles to find answers in why she was captured and tormented for eleven weeks, when she shows such a high religious fate. Her theme shows that she begged God for mercy, not to be free but to have strength to travel each day. Before she was captured she was a very religious person; being the wife of Reverend Joseph Rowlandson and mother to their offspring. God was in her daily life moreover in her kids' lives. After she was captured her religious life did not change, even though she was put through hellish conditions God still was her right hand man. When the Indians burned the town and made way to Rowlandson's house she turned to God for answers. Her house was set on fire forcing her and her kids to come out. When she came out she suffered a bullet to the arm and w... ...e. She spent all day walking and carrying articles while the Indians rode horse back. Rowlandson was forced to weave for the Indians and give her clothing up for the comfort of the Indians. My head also was so light, that I usually reeled as I went, but I hope all those wearisome steps that I have taken are but a forwarding of me to the Heavenly rest (Rowlandson p. 43). Near the end of her eleven weeks of captivity Rowlandson wanted nothing more but to give up and let the Lord take her away. The Indians stood laughing to see me staggering along; but in my distress the Lord gave me experience of the truth and goodness of that promise (Rowlandson p. 51). Finally, after eleven long weeks of death, pain and suffering, the Indians gave heart. They leaded her near Boston where she would find some English men that helped reunites her husband to his long lost wife.

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